Meantime London Pale Ale Cans 12x330ml
- ABV: 4.3%
One hundred and fifty years ago the new bitter beer style, Pale Ale, was so popular that brewers had to import Californian hops to meet demand. Meantime London Pale Ale continues that tradition by combining lots of American Cascade and Centennial hops to give it a complex citrus aroma and buckets full of local Kentish Goldings to provide the bitterness that makes the style so refreshing. Together they conspire to assail the nose with a complex, heady mix of  spearmint, grass and ‘hop sack’ aromas, fruity citrus flavours and a bitter finish that makes pale ale drinking a truly rewarding experience.
You’ll love the intoxicating blend of grass, spearmint, and hop aromas, the tangy citrus flavours, and the rewarding bitter finish. Always satisfying!
- Combines American Cascade and Centennial hops with local Kentish Goldings
- A proper beer packed with flavour, leaving a satiating thickness on the tongue
- Dark golden colour, pours with nice lacing, faint sediment, good carbonation
- Moderately hoppy aroma
- Pairs well with spicier dishes and crispy roasts, with a bitterness that amplifies salt and umami flavours
- Suitable for vegans, vegetarians